Our Team.

Meet the UIO Team!

Interested in becoming part of UIO or contributing to our cause? Send us a message!

Lindsay Kate Brown, Founder

An opera singer looking to change the world with music and who better to share it with than y’all?! Lindsay takes her artistic dreams and brings them to life on and off the stage, mentoring young members of the opera community, speaking with schools about the connections between real life and opera, and, of course, singing and conducting. A major foodie, frequent traveler, and aspiring idealist, Lindsay hopes to leave an impact on the opera community that will last a lifetime.

Cody Ryan Arthur

Cody Ryan Arthur is a singer, teacher, and lover of classical music. When he’s not singing or teaching, he enjoys giving back to the arts through arts administration and creating resources with United in Opera. Cody loves finding new ways to educate and expose people to the art form and believes that producing new and relevant operatic works is a strong way to do that. Opera by all, for all.

Mariah Wilcox

Mariah Wilcox has been singing since she was a child. Her passion for storytelling and being loud inevitably led her to opera at the ripe age of 15 and she’s never looked back. She loves working for United in Opera and being able to research and learn new things to share with her fellow young artists. She firmly believes that we are stronger together and will continue working towards her goal of seeing each person find their own version of success in the opera industry.

Sara Kennedy

Sara’s passion for music was instilled in her at a young age by many strong women in music education and she hopes to be that same beacon of inspiration to others through her performing. Each and every day, she looks for the beautiful in the mundane and will work hard to bring smiles and laughter to anyone she meets. When she's not on stage, traveling, or with her partner Nathan, she's usually snuggled up at home on the couch with her two cats, Carl and Dixon, binge watching her favorite tv shows.