Welcome to UIO.org!

Written by: Lindsay Kate Brown

Well, I’ve never written a blog before I am writing my first ever blog! Welcome to UIO.org; I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to check it out.

United in Opera is really the product of the things that I’ve learned since I started pursuing opera as a career. It’s all of the things that I wished I knew before I chose this career path, the resources I’ve utilized, the information I’ve sought out, all mixed together with the experiences and knowledge of some of my best friends in the industry. My hope for UIO, and for this website, is to be a place where people can come when they need answers: how to create a professional looking performance resume, how to work on your self confidence, how to nail an audition, where to find new music composers. Whatever you need, we want to help.

Since UIO’s inception in December 2020, we have hosted events for musicians, held giveaways featuring music resources, made countless social media posts, created more Printables than I can count, interviewed some of the most amazing members of our industry, and inspired our community to make meaningful music while utilizing the resources we highlight. That’s frankly amazing.

With the beginning of unitedinopera.org, I want to hear from y’all:

What do you need and how can we help?

Let us know: you can slide into our DMs (lol), leave a comment on this blog post, send us an email, sign up for our notifications, or ask me if I have time to chat.

Thank you all for being here; I’m grateful for each and every one of you.

<3 LKB

(This really is a stream of consciousness as I sit outside on my family’s back porch; welcome to LKB’s brain!)